Our Projects

A program led by CAVALRY Project Manager Apprentices from Title I high schools and low-income college students. The Project Manager Apprentices, using their gifts and talents, create a day of service for their school and they are responsible for planning and managing the day of service.

Create and manage your own mini MLK Kindness Challenge Project! Start with a team, pick a challenge from our list and complete by January 24th. Your contributions to this project will help us meet our goal of 1,000 Acts of Kindness and 100 Jared Boxes.

CAVALRY’S SOAR program allows elementary and middle school students from Title I schools to participate and compete in various service challenges, build personal goals, achieve academic standards, and strengthen core values.

Holidays Around The World is a mission-focused event that takes place in the wintertime where all 3 CAVALRY Programs participate in giving back to high-need schools and nonprofits by creating stations that represent different countries from around the world and the cultural traditions celebrated during the holidays.